
I might have involuntarily given myself a tattoo when I stabbed my thumb with a fineliner pen by accident.


A freshly brewed coffee, on freshly ground beans. A cinnamon bun. And a dog circling my chair, farting.


I'm all out of good coffee. Such a Monday.


Microsoft is the China of software. When they see popular products, they make cheap clones.


Sometimes I write long replies in Slack channels where I have an opinion, and then just delete it once I've figured out what my opinion is


My bank just wasted 45 minutes because it has bad systems and asked me to activate something I couldn’t and then I spent 45 minutes sorting it out in chat system that kept failing 🙄


The next step for Telegram is to go beyond messaging and spearhead innovation in social media in general (..) Today’s gradual roll-out of stories for all users marks the beginning of this new stage in the history of Telegram.



Sometimes it feels like someone comes up with a simple idea or concept that proves to work great for others as well. And then as this catches on, people will attempt to become the best at this smart thing, and it runs wild and out of control. And that small thing, becomes a big and complicated thing. And then it is so huge and and time consuming that it is no longer good at what it did really well when it was a small, simple idea. But now people are so invested and engaged that they cannot see that it is the anti thesis of what it was. It has become the thing it set out to solve. Here endeth the rant.


Whenever I see a LinkedIn link in a Slack group, I immediately dismiss it as self promotion. And that's purely based on the domain.


Dark pattern usage have now primed me to automatically click the lighter shaded button in popups. I accidentally clicked "Abort" twice in a row when I was supposed to click "Yes".


Whao, the magic mouse is actually kinda shit. Feels like pushing a brick around.


I hate Medium sites with a passion.


I'm not sure there's a big difference between oral and written communication when it comes avoiding misunderstandings. I've been both in a Slack chat and a Teams meetings this week where we discovered after that we had very different interpretations of what was communicated. Anecdotal, of course, but that's how I roll.


I like the idea of users controlling windows and putting programs in tabs. When I work on two different things, I have tabs in different programs for different tasks, so I have to handle both multiple windows and tabs to work on a task.


MacOS Sodoma comes with improved screensavers, better widgets and background animations for your webcamera. Partying like it’s windows 98.


Of course self driving cars would turn into Transport Tycoon traffic jams. Now we just need to remove the roads so the cars disappear and then add the roads again. Easy.


"History is written by the victors, and rebased by the commitors" - Churchill


I've been pronouncing hyperbole wrong all this time 😱


I'm rooting for Piwik Pro, but right now ... they're making that hard!


I have no idea how Slacks knowledge articles are decided and written, but they very rarely deliver.
