Tech block

This isn't what I meant to write today.

On Saturday mornings I often read and let my mind wander for an hour or so before breakfast and the day kicks into gears.

As I'm about to flip open my laptop and jot down a few thoughts, my youngest stops me and asks to borrow my laptop to play Minecraft. Sure, no rush.

Not too long after, he has shifted to something else, and I brought the laptop into the living room to stash my mind away.

Flat battery.

Not a big deal, I'll just charge it. I belly flop to the floor and pull myself under the couch. The cords are arranged so the free sockets are partly covered by other plugs. I yank out a cord to improve the arrangement.

No internet.

I reset all the gadgets and thingamajigs to get it back, and after a while I's back online. But my Windows is crawling along so slow that I can't even force quit programs. Luckily, I have a backup operating system. I reboot into Ubuntu.

No Vivaldi.

Lately I've shifted from Firefox to Vivaldi as my default browser and it's been a while since the previous time I used Ubuntu, so I haven't installed it yet. No sweat, I'll just do it now.

Install fails.

A frozen process or something is locking a file that the installer needs access to. After a few attempts, I reboot yet again and the installer works.

Keyboard shortcuts don't.

Well, they work. I just haven't set up the way I'm used to yet. OK, I'll just change them. Easy peasy. And while I'm at it, I'll just set up synchronizing so I don't have to do this again. Huh - I have a Vivaldi email account? Better check those unread emails. OK, back to the keyboard shortcuts.

Can't set keyboard shortcuts to alt + ctrl left/right.

Why!?! After searching the web, I learn that Gnome has reserved those for shifting to the left and right desktop even though all virtual desktops are stacked vertically by default. After a little more searching, I find a solution, remove them and can set up the right keyboard shortcuts. Done. Perfect!

Breakfast time.
