Word sprints

These are not posts, but notes. I start thinking about something, and I write to explore those thoughts.

But I never publish those any more. Mostly because I'm vain.

Since one thought spawns another, each posts becomes rather long. And a lot of words, means a lot of rereading, rewriting and spell checking. Maybe I should treat this more as a software project and have sprints and version?

Thoughts also spawn questions, so then I start to google. Where were those two blog posts on blogging that I just read? and didn't I read somewhere that Plato rewrote his speeches until he died? 🤷‍♂️

Just publish it

It is more important to publish something that is not great, than to not publish at all.

Revisions are allowed

Telling my self that I can always improve it later, could make it easier to publish.

Meaningful revisions -- as in semantically breaking changes -- should probably be noted somewhere just in case there are incoming links (unlikely, but better safe than sorry). A bigger change could influence the context others writings, which would be unfair to them.

There shall be artificial constraints

Maybe limit this to 30 minutes. At the end of that, I have to have a publishable note. Or add some size limit, like a character counter.