Micro with -140 offset

My significant other borrowed my home office and left an empty chocolate wrapper. Now it just lies there. Taunting me.


Great writing on this "how to hack a prime minister" post.


This UI shell looks really interesting!


Windows also seems to think "You know that browser that you hate? The one you tried to uninstall, but I wouldn't let you? I'll just start it every time you reboot, and they you will learn to love it."


I just love it when Windows grabs the Bluetooth headset away from my phone to play a completely muted alert. Listen to me hiss an inaudible bell.


I think I just saw an ad for an online video learning platform that offered a free ebook on how to make online video courses.


Poolside.fm is just ... on fleek!


Also, they took Vivaldi from me. That in itself demands quite a few sips of the old stimulant sludge.


It's like one cup of coffee is half of what it used to be. Maybe I need a decaf detox to reduce my caffeine tolerance?


For BBC, a cookie that "is used to understand engagement with pages by tracking how far a user gets on a page and where they're clicking" is strictly necessary. Not sure I agree with that.


Oh, I'd really like to play with Mermaid some day!


I joined the company after it had tripled in size to 3,000 people over 18 months. I learned the famed squad model was only ever aspirational and never fully implemented.

Jeremiah Lee on the squad model in Spotify


I think I would have liked a qwe.ty keyboard. I don't like the akward way I have to move my fingers to reach the period key.


Google is now banning apps where they found hateful content from a distributed network. Content you can find in the same way in a browser. Sounds like a dangerous road to turn in on.


Yeah, that's not enough. Need another cup.


So many words! These theories and methodologies have so many words! Just get to the point, already. I have neither the time nor the desire to read the entire origin history.


Noooo! Oculus will force you to use Facebook accounts. Anyone want to buy a Quest?


This article from 2016 on "your" or "my" in UI copy was interesting.


I don't get companies that thinks one of the most important methods of innovation is chitchat by the water cooler. If that is how you innovate, then yes, maybe you're not ready to support a remote or geo free work culture.


Vacation is over and my sugar cravings are through the roof. As are my coffee cravings. It's most likely related.
