Micro with -300 offset

Not sure if I have improved Micro by adding multiline support, or made it worse.

Well, time will tell.


Rolf feels unsure about this


After plane shaming comes bloat shaming


Sometimes a change in technology will evolve the thing itself. The smart phone is now rarely used to make calls. And with micro car rentals, a car is gradually less about driving and more about being a private, quiet place.


TIL: When I've been away from my inbox for a few weeks, I should download all those new emails to my laptop over my home internet connection before I get on a buss and have them spill my datacap over tethering.


Ajax page loading, where you only load the content and not the other stuff when you click on a link, is often slower than loading the entire page?


I should read some of the interesting articles about the value of plain text that the I'm done repo has links to.


This is why I only buy things in DRM protected media formats if consuming them once is enough.


"But in the post-Jobs era, with all of Apple design, hardware and software, under his control, we’ve seen the software design decline and the hardware go wonky." (Gruber on Ive leaving Apple)


If I come to a page to buy or sign up for something that isn't very important to me, and the terms are too long to read, I just quit! "Free stickers!" - nope. "Try for free now!" meh.


Extra coffee thirsty today. Not sure why. Some days just demand more covfefe.


There are no perfect solutions. Only strategic compromises. #chiefspeak


Also: Found a half grinded silverfish in my coffeegrind. Nice! Having a jolly old day, today.


"You have a new message from the RRS". Log in. Read the wrong message. Get fined 140 $ two weeks later. Unsubscribe from digital communication.


From Creepy Chrome to Fantastic Firefox as Trump no doubt would have worded it if he was into browsers.


I'm create the #YADA hashtag: Yet Another Distracting Application


This piece and debate on tabs and bookmarks is something I've been contemplating as well. The system is borked, but I'm not sure how I'd fix it.
