Micro with -120 offset
Goatcounter is down. And Cloudflare has just announced a free privacy friendly webanalytics service. Maybe it's a sign.
I don't know what went wrong, but it's Wednesday and I have a bad case of that Friday feel.
So far these robots that were going to help me, is just causing me a whole lot of captcha work.
Void linux was like "There's not enough space, I'm not gonna run this update". While Ubuntu was like "No problem, I'll upd.. ah, shoot. There wasn't enough space. Yeah, this is broken now."
I dreamt that someone ate all of my croissants. It was awful!
I'm really starting to dislike Apples use of notifications for upselling.
I'm now at the point where I just close news sites with complicated cookie warnings.
(Tried posting that last pun internally and got nothing until I emoji begged a colleague)
Atomic design needs atomic UX writers.
To write new, clear content? 🥁
I'm in a weird mood today. Good weird, though.
The best seller list of HCI books on Amazon has become really dark.
Comments without the comments. Maybe I should use it here?
YES! They opened for a browser extension I had been using. This made med ridiculously happy!
Ahaa ... so today is one of those days. This is going to require some coffee.
Enjoyed Disrespectful Design:
- Be simple - people are busy
- Have a behaviour theory
- Have a set of principles
These measures [from Apple] are always marketed as being for security from hackers and more recently also in the name of privacy, but from the beginning it has always been about ensuring that Apple can control which applications and accessories are allowed on the iPhone, in particular when those applications compete with their own offerings.
(From a Purism post). But .. Can’t it be both? It’s easy to recommend Apple to family since it’s safe and easy to use. But I want open eco systems for myself.
Browser tab hoarding came up at work yesterday, and today I stumbled over this post. I think the next great browser will be the one that solves the million tabs user bug (rather than say, privacy).
I’ve now spent 40-45 minutes trying to delete my Uber account.