Micro with -280 offset

What they really mean is "We value your privacy (but your data has a higher value)".


Every website on earth since GDPR: "We value your privacy. Now voluntarily accept this tracking device implant or you can't come in."


I tried to visit the Noonies site in privacy mode, and they replied "Why are you hiding? It looks like you're browsing privately/icognito. This app is best viewed from a normal browser window."

Before I opened up in a tracking window, I had a look at their privacy policy. They collect a lot of stuff.

Yet the first line is "Your privacy is important to us". But my privacy is quite obviously not important to them since I can't even see their site without letting them track me.


Jolla phone still working after 5 years:

the average Android flagship smartphone’s lifespan is 2 years at best. (..) However, at approximately 10,000 active users of the original Jolla phone, we are proud to still support this iconic smartphone after 5 years of its life. Users of Jolla phone can download the latest Sailfish OS update just like any other Sailfish user with a newer device.


I suggest calling it the "John Snow level". Even if you know nothing, you're both a really nice gyu and a really great hero.

Being too polite to use a term like “level zero,” the OECD researchers refer to the lowest skill level as “below level 1.”

Via nngroup.


Technology has the shelf life of a banana. By the time you buy it, implement it and train people on it, it’s obsolete.

By Sun Microsystems CEO, Scott McNealy. Quoted found on PhotoRealism on om.co.


First Benjamen Walker makes two 1884 themed podcast episodes, and now this from China.


Booking hotel rooms is still the worst. The worst, I tell you!


Your fancy URLs might be hot, but are they cool?


Ate an apple. Bit my lip. Bleeding now.


One way, or another, they’re gonna captcha. They’re gonna captcha, captcha, captcha, captcha.


Made some nice changes to the text area for this site. Ripped out the full blown Markdown thingamajig, and swapped it for behave.js.


Added pagination to Micro. Looking forward to browsing them old micros.


My wired ISP is also my phone plan provider. And the wifi router suspiciously keeps kicking my phone of the network, which shifts all my internet traffic over to the much more costly 4G internet connection.


Maybe I should buy little Bobby Tables a license plate.


Diogenes proved to the later satisfaction of the Stoics that happiness has nothing whatsoever to do with a person’s material circumstances, and held that human beings had much to learn from studying the simplicity and artlessness of dogs, which, unlike human beings, had not complicated every simple gift of the gods.

Minimalism again. From The hypersane are among us


Whoa! Automattic/Wordpress buys Tumblr. Would it not be fun if that 1bn dollar company ended up as a simple Wordpress theme?


If it's true that web assembly will kill the app store, why has Apple spent so much time and effort on adding support for it in webkit? That makes no sense.


The whitespace between paragraphs in a micro is the same as between micros on the micro index page. That doesn't work at all. I'll need to tweak that some day. Done!
